Setting up a Pay Class to Automatically Close Pay Periods

  1. Select Setup from the navigation list.
  2. In the slide out menu select Pay Class.
  3. Choose the pay class you wish to work with in the list.  If you need to set up a new pay class select + New.
  4. Configure the desired settings for the pay class.
  5. Go to the General tab.
  6. At the Automatically Close Pay Periods option, select Auto-Close Pay Periods.
  7. Set the amount of days after the current pay period ends for the automatic close to occur under Days to Wait Before Closing. For Example: If the Days to Wait Before Closing is set to 5 and the current pay period ends on 9/22/2016, the pay period will automatically close on 9/27/2016.
  8. Set the time of day that the automatic close will occur and the time zone it will occur in.
  9. If finished, select Save.


Wed 12/05/2018